Itravil 30mg

(1 customer review)


Itravil 30 mg (Clobenzorex) is  recommended for patients suffering from overweight who have failed to lose weight using non-drug methods.

Name: Itravil

Dosage: 30mg

Package: 30 Capsules pack

SKU: N/A Category:


What is Itravil 30mg?

Itravil 30mg (Clobenzorex) is metabolized by the body to amphetamine, which is then excreted in the urine, this causing difficulty in interpretation of amphetamine-positive drug tests.

Itravil 30 mg (Clobenzorex) is  recommended for patients suffering from overweight who have failed to lose weight using non-drug methods.

Itravil 30mg side effects

Have been reported cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension, severe disease with life threatening risks. One symptom is: the occurrence or aggravation of exertional dyspnea in this case should be discontinued treatment immediately.

Central nervous system: Itravil 30 mg (Clobenzorex) Prolonged use may develop drug tolerance, dependence and withdrawal. The most common adverse reactions are: psychotic reactions, or psychosis, depression, nervousness, agitation, sleep disturbances and dizziness. Seizures have occasionally been reported, headache.

Cardiovascular effects: Most often include tachycardia, palpitations, hypertension and chest pain. Have been rarely reported cardiovascular or cerebrovascular accidents, particularly stroke, angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure and cardiac arrest in patients treated with anorectic agents. Gastrointestinal effects: Dry mouth and constipation.
Effect on Urinary Tract Dysuria, urinary retention. You can use this product with other products like Qsymia.


This formula contains only a single ingredient, Clobenzorex, which is a form of stimulant that promotes weight loss when ingested into the human body.


Pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Severe arterial hypertension.
History of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease.
Psychiatric disorders including anorexia and depression.
Propensity to the consumption of drugs, known alcoholism.
Children under 12 years old.
Arteriosclerosis advanced studies.
Hypersensitivity or idiosyncrasy known to sympathomimetic amines.
Closed angle glaucoma.
Risk of urinary retention linked to urethrostatic disorders.
States of agitation.
Antidepressants or inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (MAOI). Itravil should not be administered for 14 days after taking MAOIs because hypertensive crises could occur.


Itravil 30mg has several benefits associated with its regular and safe use, the main ones include those listed below:

The supplement facilitates weight loss through the use of natural ingredients that are effective in the reduction of appetite and promotion of the rate of metabolism.
It greatly enhances energy production and in this way promotes the endurance level of the patient with regard to intense workouts and physical exercises.
It promotes the flow of blood to different body parts so as to increase oxygen levels that ultimately promote the better operation of the various body processes.
It increases alertness levels.
It increases the mental stamina.
Individuals who use Clobenzorex also experience an enhanced concentration.